Physical Therapy plays a very important part in the recovery process for many patients who have gone through major injuries. Though therapies like these can certainly do wonders especially for a recovering senior citizen, however it does not necessarily mean it is easy. In fact, it can be a truly painful and vigorous task.

There are numerous settings where a physical therapist can practice their craft and these may include hospitals, schools, nursing homes and in private homes. Home care physical therapy is especially thought of for those patients who are unable to go to an outpatient clinic. Thus the trend of bringing the clinic to the patient has grown to become popular.

Here are many benefits of in home physical therapy:

  • Therapists can be able to evaluate a patient in their own and real natural environment, which is their home.
  • Truly improved compliance since there are high chances of not missing every treatment sessions.
  • No need for patients to travel all the way to a clinic this way it makes it more time efficient.
  • There will be privacy for both the patient and the family.
  • Fewer interruptions from other patients, for example from phone calls, etc.
  • Most typical in home physical therapy sessions run for one hour and it is a one on one therapy session with the therapist. Therefore, this results to a more effective treatment session as well as reducing the possibility of injury.
  • Following surgery, since the therapist is coming to the home of the patient, it lessens the complications of having to drive the car or travelling all the way to an outpatient clinic.

Patients can have the therapy sessions scheduled very early in the morning or late in the evening, whichever is helpful or what works for them conveniently. Most importantly, the whole concept of in home physical therapy is to promote convenience and patient compliance.

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