Auxilium Healthcare Services

Simple Tips to Prevent Falls at Home

Close-up of disabled female hand holding cane with her doctor walking near by

Falls are considered to be the number 1 cause of injuries for most people aged 65 and above. These accidents can often lead to hip fractures, cuts and even serious head brain injuries that can really be fatal. Even without a major injury, a fall can still be traumatizing for an older adult and it can cause them to be fearful or depressed. Thus, making it difficult for them to function everyday and stay active.

If you have an elderly loved one at home or a neighbor, helping them reduce the risk of falling is also a simple way to keep them healthy and independent as long as possible. The great thing about falls is that they can be prevented. Common causes of falls are usually at home, so prevention must start with having a safe living place.

Making a home safe for the elderly doesn’t necessarily mean remodeling the entire house but just making a few basic changes to ensure safety. Here are some helpful tips on how to prevent falls at home:

Preventing falls mean preventing injuries from occurring. As they say, prevention is always better than cure; therefore all these tips can definitely go a long way to keeping your loved one safe in their own home.

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