Auxilium Healthcare Services

Medicare Home Health Benefit

Home Health Benefit Friendly doctor examining health of patient sitting in wheelchair. Happy smiling nurse consulting disabled patient about treatment. Nurse caring about elder handicap man at home.

What does it mean for a patient to be considered confined to the home
(that is, homebound)?

A patient is considered confined to the home (that is, homebound) if these two criteria are met:

1. Criterion One:
The patient must either:
● Because of illness or injury, need the aid of supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs,
and walkers; the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person to leave their
place of residence
● Have a condition such that leaving his or her home is medically contraindicated
If the patient meets one of the Criterion One conditions, he or she must also meet the two additional
requirements described in Criterion Two.

2. Criterion Two:
● There must exist a normal inability to leave home
● Leaving home must require a considerable and taxing effort
The patient may be considered confined to the home (that is, homebound) if absences from the home are:
● Infrequent
● For periods of relatively short duration
● For the need to receive health care treatment
● For religious services
● To attend adult daycare programs or
● For other unique or infrequent events (for example, funeral, graduation, trip to the barber)

Some examples of persons who may be considered confined to the home (that is, homebound) are:
● A patient who is blind or senile and requires the assistance of another person in leaving their place
of residence
● A patient who has just returned from a hospital stay involving surgery, who may be suffering from
resultant weakness and pain, and therefore their actions may be restricted by their physician to
certain specified and limited activities such as only getting out of bed for a specified period of time
or only walking stairs once a day and
● A patient with a psychiatric illness that is manifested, in part, by a refusal to leave home or is of
such a nature that it would not be considered safe for the patient to leave home unattended, even
if they have no physical limitations


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